Thursday, April 14, 2011

All I want for Summer is an INTERNSHIP!

I am currently a junior in college, soon to be senior, and I have interned on campus and I loved it. I interned at the Health Education Resource Center for a little over a year and I learned a lot and made some friends in the process. I am from the big city and all I've ever wanted was to have an internship/job downtown, or near it. My only problem is that I need to earn money over the summer and many internships in the city are unpaid. So, I've been on the hunt for a part time interning position, so I can have time to work and make money AND get experience in my field of interest. I've received many emails and such, regarding summer internships, but the paid ones are nowhere near the city and the internships in the city of course are unpaid ones require that you work 40+ hours a week, which I'm unable to do. 
Thinking about all of the things that I love so dearly about home and then it clicked. Radio Stations! I love the radio. I am a big fan of music and radio has always been my source to hear new music, music news and  information about upcoming shows and events. I researched some of my favorite radio stations and came up with a list of 4 stations that I would like to spend my summer in, the main one and first one I applied at is Q101:Chicago's Alternative. All of the internships for the radio stations are unpaid, but they require you work about 20 hours a week, which seems manageable. Getting an internship at a radio station is a must-have for my summer, so I took the following steps to make sure that I am a front-runner for the internship:
  • Research! Like I said before, I researched local radio stations to see who wanted interns and what the requirements were.
  • Take Action!  I took note of when the deadlines for application were and I planned accordingly. I took time out to visit with an advisor (twice) to jazz up my resume and cover letter. I exported my documents to PDF files, so no matter what, my documents would be readable. I then scanned a signed copy of my cover letter, so my real signature was on the cover letter.
  • Implementation! After I felt that my cover letter and resume were up to par, I sent them in. I received emails from the radio stations, telling me that everything was received and up for review, they will be in contact with me.
  • Evaluation! Since I sent everything in before the deadline, I haven't heard anything from the stations regarding interviews. The deadlines are beginning to approach to I'm hoping that I will hear from them soon after.
Let's hope I get an interview with at least one station.
Fingers crossed!

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